At-A-Glance: Opioid & Health Indicator Database
Long-Acting Agents in Development for HIV Treatment and Prevention
Dual Epidemics: Leveraging HIV Infrastructure toSupport HPV Prevention, Testing, and CervicalCancer Elimination Goals
National Conference to Advance Equity in Mpox Diagnostics: Rapid Summary of Priority Actions
Ending HIV:Zero Out The EpidemicNot The Budget
Community Partnerships Make Public Health More Effective: Learning From The 2022 Mpox Outbreak Response
MPX Research Gaps: What Remains Unknown
Tackling MPX in Black and Latino Communities
Monkeypox and Meningococcal DiseaseOutbreaks Signal New Health Threats For Communities Heavily Impacted by HIVAnd Demand Immediate Action
Key Populations, Size Estimates,and Plans in COP22
Violence Crisis Services During Lockdown: An Assessment of Service Availability During COVID-19 Lockdown in South Africa
Issue Brief: The Expanded Mexico City Policy: Implications for the Global Fund
New HIV Testing Strategies in PEPFAR COP19: Rollout and Human Rights Concerns
Expanding Access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Adolescents and Young Adults: Models for Addressing Consent, Confidentiality, and Payment Barriers
Title X, the Domestic Gag Rule, and the HIV Response
The Effect of the Expanded Mexico City Policy on HIV/AIDS Programming: Evidence from the PEPFAR Implementing Partners Survey
Impact of Mexico City Policy on PEPFAR
The Case for Supervised Consumption Services
Preventing HIV and Hepatitis C Among People Who Inject Drugs: Public Funding for Syringe Services Programs Makes the Difference
Most Lifesaving Services Remain Paused: A Rapid Assessment of the PEPFAR Stop Work Order
Ignoring Science Will Worsen the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.
A Dangerous Precedent: Tennessee RejectsFederal Funds for HIV Prevention
A Neglected Population: Transgender Inclusion in National HIV Plans
A Global Response to HIV Requires the Global Fund
How the Global Fund Improves PEPFAR Investments
Lives on the Line: The Human Impact of Proposed Cuts to Global HIV Funding
Ending the HIV Epidemic Database
How Expanded Mexico City Policy Is Disrupting Global HIV Programs
Getting to Services:Far, Far Away
When Size Matters: How Social Media Can Help Determine Key Population Size
Context Matters: Ending the HIV Epidemic Among Black Communities
Context Matters: Ending the HIV Epidemic Among Latinx
Community Engagementin Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study
Community Engagementin Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (PORTUGUESE VERSION)
Community Engagementin Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (FRENCH VERSION)
Community Engagementin Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (RUSSIAN VERSION)
Community Engagementin Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms: Findings from the RISE Study (SPANISH VERSION)
Structured for Success: Legislative Purpose, Targets, and Focus under PEPFAR vs. International Pandemic Preparedness
Structured for Success: Centralized Coordinating Authority under PEPFAR vs. International Pandemic Preparedness
Structured for Success: Political Will, Power, and Process in the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
Increasing Trans Inclusion in HIV/AIDS National Strategic Planning: Learning from Community Advocacy in Five Countries
Blinded by Our Own Data—Recency Testing in PREPFAR
How Cures Can Fail
Context Matters: Health Insurance Coverage Is Fundamental to Ending the HIV Epidemic
Toward an Effective Strategy to Combat HIV, Hepatitis C and the Opioid Epidemic: Recommendations for Policy Makers
Data Watch: Data Accessibility from Global Funders of HIV, TB, and Malaria Programming
Long-Acting HIV Treatment and Prevention Are Coming: Preparing for Potential Game Changers: Overview
Long-Acting HIV Treatment and Prevention Are Coming: Preparing for Potential Game Changers: From Laboratory to Marketplace
Long-Acting HIV Treatment and Prevention Are Coming: Preparing for Potential Game Changers: Defining the Intended Market
Long-Acting HIV Treatment and Prevention Are Coming: Preparing for Potential Game Changers: Assessing the Payer Landscape