Dázon Dixon Diallo

Dázon Dixon Diallo


Founder/President, SisterLove

In 1989, Dr. Diallo established SisterLove, Inc., the first sexual and reproductive justice organization focused on women and HIV in the Southeastern U.S., and founded SisterLove International South Africa in Johannesburg ten years later. Among numerous appointments, Diallo serves as co-chair for the Act Now End AIDS National Coalition, and is a member of WomenNOW!, the UNFPA Global Advisory Council, and In Our Own Voice: The National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda.

“The main priority is to use all our best ideas, strategies, and interventions, intersectionally and collaboratively, to help women, especially Black and African women and girls, achieve optimal sexual and reproductive health, wellness, and freedom and lead the way to ending HIV. The biggest challenge is that it seems that Black women’s health equity is only a priority for Black women—not the elected officials, not the public health institutions, not the funding community and certainly not the corporate and traditional media outlets. Our charge is to shift the entire HIV response to center Black women and femmes because we are globally a most essential part of ending of the epidemic.”