Recent Grants
Recent Grants
amfAR supports three types of research grants: Target grants, awarded to researchers studying potential HIV cure interventions; ARCHE (amfAR Research Consortium on HIV Eradication) grants, which support collaborative teams working on a range of HIV cure strategies; and Mathilde Krim Fellowships in Biomedical Research, awarded to early career scientists who show promise in the field of HIV research.
Exploring Pathways to an Accessible HIV Cure
Oct. 2024 – amfAR awards grants to researchers—Drs. Jonah Sacha, Elena Herrera-Carrillo, and Alexander Pasternak—who are testing innovative HIV cure strategies.
amfAR Greenlights New HIV Cure Studies with Grants Totaling $1.2 Million
Jul. 2024 — Three researchers will test the ability of a pair of cancer drugs and broadly neutralizing antibodies to attack latent HIV, the main barrier to a cure.
Rejuvenating the Field of AIDS Research
Mar. 2024 — New Krim fellowships will advance important research studies while helping ensure the long-term vitality of HIV research.
$3 Million in New Funding for Innovative HIV Cure Research
Oct. 2023 — Three of the projects involve the use of potent antibodies that can neutralize a range of HIV strains.
amfAR Awards $2.4M for Gene Therapy Cure Research
Jul. 2023 — amfAR supports innovative strategies to end the HIV epidemic, including CAR-T cell therapy and immunotherapy.
amfAR Awards New Mathilde Krim Fellowship
Apr. 2023 — Dr. Steven de Taeye aims to harness the ability of antibodies to home in on cellular targets to help cure HIV.
Target grants: Drs. Sharon Lewin, Anna Hearps, Luis Montaner, Pamela Skinner
ARCHE and Target grants: Drs. Xu Yu, Saar Gill, Keith Jerome, Anjie Zhen; Qigui Yu
Target grants: Drs. Todd Allen, Anastasios Karadimitris, Jori Symons
Krim Fellowship: Drs. Aleksandar Antanasijevic, Ujjwal Rathore
amfAR Fund to Fight COVID: Drs. Annukka Antar, Michael Peluso, Mathias Lichterfeld
Krim Fellowship: Drs. Maolin Lu, Shaheed Abdulhaqq
ARCHE grants: Drs. Keith Jerome, Jonathan Li
Countdown grants: Drs. Kim Woodrow, Keith Jerome, Hui Zhang, Weiming Yang
Krim Fellowship: Dr. Yen-Ting Lai
Countdown grants: Drs. Kim Woodrow, Keith Jerome, Hui Zhang, Weiming Yang
Krim Fellowship: Drs. Gabriel Ozorowski, Daniela Monaco, Jonathan Richard
Countdown grants: Drs. David Weitz, Alexander Zelikin
ARCHE grant: Dr. Timothy Schacker
Countdown grants: Drs. Benjamin Burwitz, Michel Nussenzweig, Ole Søgaard
generationCURE grant: Dr. Brad Jones
Countdown grants: Drs. Dan Barouch, Timothy Henrich, Sharon Lewin
ARCHE grants: Drs. Eric Arts, Cynthia Gay, Timothy Henrich, Jonathan Karn, Eileen Scully
Countdown grants: Drs. Nancy Haigwood, Hiroyu Hatano, Mario Ostrowski
ARCHE grants: Drs. Paula Cannon, Ann Chahroudi, Benjamin K. Chen, Jane Rasaiyaah