Join a Workplace Giving Program

Join a
Workplace Giving Program
amfAR’s CFC designation number is 11996.
Workplace giving programs allow individuals to direct a percentage of their paychecks or a fixed dollar amount to amfAR. Most people opt for payroll deduction, which allows them to spread their gift over the entire year.
Federal employees and members of the U.S. military can direct donations to amfAR through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which amfAR participates in through a federation called CHC: Creating Healthier Communities. If you are eligible to make donations through the CFC, please note that amfAR will be listed in your CFC directory as “AIDS Research Foundation (amfAR).”
In addition to representing amfAR and other health charities in the Combined Federal Campaign, CHC also represents amfAR and its other member charities in a variety of state and municipal employee giving campaigns, as well as a growing number of corporate campaigns, working with companies and institutions such as Aetna, American Express, Anthem, Cartus, Chevron, Cleveland Cavaliers, Coca-Cola, Comcast/NBC Universal, Continental Resources, Fred Meyer, Liberty Diversified International, and United Health Group, among others. For more information on CHC’s corporate social responsibility and employee engagement programs, click Who We Work With | CHC: Creating Healthier Communities (
Employees at companies and other organizations that participate in United Way workplace campaigns can also support amfAR with a “write-in” designation. And many organizations also operate their own workplace giving programs, including the American Bar Association, IBM, and Novell.

Questions about workplace giving? Please contact us at
You should always consult with your financial advisor and/or tax professional before initiating a charitable gift arrangement. The information provided on this page should not be construed as tax or financial advice.